앱스토어 스크린샷 상세


Screenshot specifications

You must provide a set of screenshots for all device types. For iPhone, you need one set of screenshots for 5.5-inch display, and for iPad, you need one set for 12.9-inch display. (아이폰은 5.5-inch, 아이패드는 12.9-inch만 제공하면 됩니다.)
5.8-inch display assets for iPhone X are optional, and don't scale down to other devices sizes. When you upload iPhone X screenshots to App Store Connect, they will display with rounded corners.
Device size or platform
Screenshot size
5.8-Inch Super Retina Display
1125 x 2436 pixels for portrait
2436 x 1125 pixels for landscape
5.5-Inch Retina Display
1242 x 2208 pixels for portrait
2208 x 1242 pixels for landscape
Required if app runs on iPhone
4.7-Inch Retina Display
750 x 1334 pixels for portrait
1334 x 750 pixels for landscape
May use 5.5-inch display
4-Inch Retina Display
640 x 1096 pixels for portrait (without status bar)
640 x 1136 pixels for portrait (full screen)
1136 x 600 pixels for landscape (without status bar)
1136 x 640 pixels for landscape (full screen)
May use 5.5- or 4.7-inch display
3.5-Inch Retina Display
640 x 920 pixels for portrait (without status bar)
640 x 960 pixels for portrait (full screen)
960 x 600 pixels for landscape (without status bar)
960 x 640 pixels for landscape (full screen)
May use 5.5-, 4.7, or 4-inch display
12.9-Inch Retina Display
2048 x 2732 pixels for portrait
2732 x 2048 pixels for landscape
Required if app runs on iPad
10.5-Inch Retina Display
1668 x 2224 for portrait
2224 x 1668 for landscape
May use 12.9-inch Display
9.7-Inch Retina Display
High Resolution:
2048 x 1496 pixels for landscape (without status bar)
2048 x 1536 pixels for landscape (full screen)
1536 x 2008 pixels for portrait (without status bar)
1536 x 2048 pixels for portrait (full screen)
Standard resolution:
1024 x 748 pixels for landscape (without status bar)
1024 x 768 pixels for landscape (full screen)
768 x 1004 pixels for portrait (without status bar)
768 x 1024 pixels for portrait (full screen)
May use 10.5-inch or 12.9-inch Display
One of the following, with a 16:10 aspect ratio.
1280 x 800 pixels
1440 x 900 pixels
2560 x 1600 pixels
2880 x 1800 pixels
1920 x 1080 pixels
3840 x 2160 pixels
312 x 390 pixels


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